Category: Authored

20 posts categorized as "Authored"

3rd Quarter Investment Commentary

November 10, 2021

“Transitory” Is A Dirty Word Arthur G. Swalley, CIMA® -Director of Investments After a mild July and August, stock market uncertainty ratcheted up in September as volatility rose. There was no “big event” trigger, but rather a series of smaller issues that came together to result in a 5% decline in the S&P 500 from…

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Do you have a financial advisor?

August 30, 2021

I had lunch today with a younger acquaintance of mine, let’s call him Jim. I have known Jim for a number of years, and he has always impressed me with his business acumen. At a young age, he has managed to put together a sizable, yet illiquid, net worth. He has an investment account managed…

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Cody Makela named partner at Santa Barbara advisory firm Arlington Financial Advisors

May 13, 2021

SANTA BARBARA, California – Arlington Financial Advisors, an independent financial advisory firm located in the heart of Santa Barbara, has named standout financial planner Cody Makela as partner. Makela joined Arlington Financial Advisors in February, 2015, and has excelled at helping clients plan, analyze and implement solutions that improve their financial lives. As partner, Makela…

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How did 2020 work for your finances?

January 26, 2021

By Joseph R. Weiland, CFP®, Managing Partner How did 2020 work for your finances?  Was this a terrible year or was this a transformative year moving you closer to your goals?  While most people think that the answer depended upon what industry you work in, it is simpler than that.  The more important question is,…

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Choose your Financial Life.

October 1, 2020

Authored by Joseph R. Weiland, CFP ®, Managing Partner I have lived only one financial life.  I have coached and mentored hundreds and witnessed, with no knowledge of the details, thousands. There is a difference between living your financial life and seeing others live theirs.  While living our lives, we get caught up in our…

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The Gift of Self-Reliance

February 6, 2020

Authored by Joseph R. Weiland, CFP ®, Managing Partner I was at a party last evening with a group of fascinating people from varied backgrounds.  The conversation was lively, from art and architecture to jokes and tricks.  At one point, it came up that I am a Certified Financial Planner™ and one of the guests…

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Range Bound Markets

November 12, 2019

Third Quarter 2019 — Arthur Swalley, CIMA The increase in volatility in both stocks and bonds which began in 2018 continued in the third quarter of 2019. Long term interest rates around the world continued their dramatic fall. Stock markets remained range bound with rapid short-term swings fueled by quick reactions to rumors about trade…

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Why are recessions good for the economy?

August 20, 2019

by Joseph R Weiland, CFP®, Managing Partner We are hearing a great deal of noise about the looming recession lurking around the corner. If you are not worried, you clearly have not been listening to enough media. T.V., Radio and the internet are afire with tales of inverted yield curves and global collapse. Recessions are…

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Dow Jones at 40,000!

June 11, 2019

by Joseph R Weiland, CFP®, Managing Partner When we invest in the stock market we are buying future profits of the businesses that we buy. If we invest across the entire market we are buying the future profits of the entire economy. The Price to Earnings Ratio (PE) tells us what we are paying to…

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The Gift of Perspective

January 29, 2019

by Joseph R Weiland, CFP®, Managing Partner One of the biggest gifts that a person can receive from a financial planner is perspective on what actions a person can make now to have the biggest impact on their future financial lives.  At different phases of our lives the importance of different actions changes dramatically. What…

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